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To All My Players…1996-2016

(A letter from Volleyball Coach, Jeanette Regier)

“I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am for each of you. I started coaching at Calvary many years ago after leaving a toxic high school coaching environment. I remember the August night before practice started in 1996. It was almost midnight, and I couldn’t sleep. I was in the gym just sitting there and started praying. I was scared to face the next day of practice because I knew I couldn’t do it in my strength. I knew because of some of the problems from my last coaching job how easy things could turn on a coach. I knew it was a stress and ego filled position, and I wondered how I would ever make it through that night.

I remember kneeling down at center court, and in tears, I asked God to come and do something special in my life and the life of my players. I asked Him to be strong for me because I sure wasn’t feeling much strength at that moment.

I would never have even dreamed that God would bless me by using me here at Calvary for 20 years. God has blessed the prayer I said over and over. He has used all of you to change who I am. He has used all of you to show me more of Him. He has used a stressful, and ego-centered job to show me how much I need Him and how much I need to know and love Him more. He has shown me how He stoops down to make me great even though I’m weak in many areas. He has shown me how He loves me enough to use the sport I love the most to be able to impact the student-athletes and the world around me. He has shown me where my identity should be placed and how important it is to watch my words closely. He has shown me what true love is and how it can be used to serve others as a leader truly should.

I’ve learned all of the above during the last 20 years and as time has gone on I have tried to teach those lessons to you as my players. You have been so good to me as you sit and listen to times I would share my heart with you. Sometimes I know it made sense, but you also were patient with me during the times when I was difficult to understand:)

I don’t know if a coach can ever understand what their legacy is but I know I can see my legacy when I look at all of you. I see you coaching, teaching, mothering, and serving others faithfully. The legacy of Calvary Volleyball isn’t about wins and losses. It has always been about asking God to come onto the court with us and seeing the difference He made as we fought together. After graduation, it turned into asking God to come into some of our life’s biggest challenges with us even if we no longer had a team of support like we had at Calvary. I’ve been to some difficult funerals with players. I have worked through many life changing problem with players after they graduate. The one central theme as a Calvary Warrior is asking God to come with us as we do battle so that we can be different when the battle is over. We will be stronger. We will look more like Him. We will have peace. We will have the hope that we were meant to have. Asking Him to do battle with us also changes the battle altogether. It makes the battle clear. The battle lines are drawn, and God gives truth that will impact the battle to end in victory.

I am the first to tell you that I wasn’t always faithful. But the desire to grow and learn from our God about what His purpose was for me as the coach here at Calvary kept challenging me through the years and my prayer is that you are different because of watching God do His thing in all of our lives.

Today I have the difficult task of announcing that I am retiring for coaching volleyball. No sane coach would ever retire the year before they think their team is ready to explode, but that is the place I find myself🙂 I am choosing to retire with much prodding from my doctors so that I can fight MS in a stronger way.  I will continue working full time as the AD at Calvary with no coaching responsibilities. This disease has changed my entire life. I am grieving this loss as I am asking God what He has for me in the future.

2 Peter 1:16 says. For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.

To my players who I have been so blessed to coach. The above verse says it all. I’ve truly been an eyewitness of His majesty as I’ve walked this path with you. I love you all so very much!

Always a Warrior,

Coach Regier”