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Tyler Bungard




Tyler Bungard is a Youth Ministry major. He was born in Hackettstown New Jersey and moved to Newton Kansas in 2012. This Calvary Junior enjoys parkour, obstacles courses. He loves going to restaurants and trying new things. He also adores pizza. Tyler has been playing soccer ever since he started coming to Calvary and he attributes former Coach Nichols to getting him involved. Tyler very much enjoys playing soccer, but his favorite part about playing with the Warriors is not the games but the discipleship. Tyler loves that God is glorified and the Bible is made the ultimate priority in the lives of him and his teammates. Tyler’s favorite verse is Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Tyler believes it is very important to be prepared to do God’s work. Because of this, one of Tyler’s most important mottos is “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Having served as a camp counselor many times over the years, Tyler has a positive reflection on the time he has spent in these camps and feels a call to encourage and mentor other youth. His ultimate calling is to glorify God in every single thing he does.